Judge R. Mitchell's Standing Orders- Small Claims/Evictions/Post-Judgments- updated 1/27/2025

  • Court attendance is required in-person for each party.
  • Zoom appearance shall only be allowed in emergency situations or with prior express consent of the Court.
      • If appearing via Zoom, attorneys and litigants must display their entire proper name, remain muted until addressed by the Court, and turn on their camera with their face displayed when addressed by the Court.
  • Each attorney/law firm is limited to scheduling a maximum of sixty (60) cases per court date.  This is in an effort to assist all parties in scheduling timely and convenient dates.
  • The Court encourages the use of Pre-Court starting at 8:30 A.M. located in the meeting room outside of Courtroom 1002.  The following are accepted in Pre-Court:
      • Alias Summons
      • Alias Wage Deductions
      • Alias Citations
      • Continuing of Citations and Wage Deductions 
      • Status Dates, Continuing Status Dates, and Striking/Dismissing
      • Dismissals with and without Prejudice
      • Dismissals of Rule and Citations/Wage Deductions
  • Orders may be uploaded to Odyssey e-File or submitted in Court.  Orders uploaded to Odyssey e-File will not be approved and signed prior to presentment in Court.
  • All Motions are to be set a 10:30 A.M.
  • The Court does not require courtesy copies of pleadings, but the Court will accept courtesy copies of contested matters that are substantive in nature including cited case law with the courtesy copies.
  • The Court's schedule is as follows: (1) 9:00 A.M. is allotted for Return and Status; (2) 10:30 A.M. is allotted for motions and hearings on motions; (3) 1:30 P.M. is allotted for trials, hearings, and pre-trial conferences as expressly set by the Court.