Zoom Information For Criminal Judges

Please see the Circuit Clerk's homepage for information related to Virtual Court and Remote Court Instructions.

Criminal Division

Crimes Punishable by Imprisonment
The Criminal Division has jurisdiction over criminal offenses within Will County which are punishable by imprisonment in a penitentiary. It conducts hearings concerning habeas corpus and extradition in criminal matters, petitions to expunge records of arrest, all post conviction matters and the processing of appeals.
The Office of the State Appellate Defender has general information regarding the expungement and sealing procedures here. There are state-approved instructions and forms available here.
Illinois Legal Aid has information regarding appeals.
Requests for Certified Statements of Conviction to the Circuit Clerk's office can be made electronically.  Simply complete the interactive form and submit it to the following email address for processing: attorneyservices@il12thcourt.gov. Requests are completed in the order in which they are received and must be submitted 3-5 days prior to the due date entered on the form.  All completed requests will be returned to the requestor upon receipt of payment, if applicable.  If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact the Circuit Clerk's Attorney Services Desk at 815.727.894.
The courts often impose a sentence of community service as a condition of a sentence of supervision or conditional discharge. Offenders are ordered to participate in a form of reparation to the community by performing work for IRS-certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. Will County does not accept online community service for community service performed for a regular, for-profit business. Hundreds of not-for-profit organizations are located in Will County. These can include churches and religious entities, forest preserves, townships, villages, cities, police and fire departments, libraries, park districts, animal shelters, schools, hospitals, veteran organizations, food pantries and nursing homes. A non-comprehensive list of local organizations can be found here.
Criminal juvenile and adult defendants charged with an offense carrying a possible jail sentence can request representation by the Will County Public Defender’s Office. More information about the office, including contact information, can be found on their website, www.willcountypublicdefender.com

Traffic Division

The Traffic Division of the Twelfth Judicial District is responsible for the maintenance of records and collection of fines for all cases involving Will County moving violations. The Traffic Violations Bureau does NOT hear matters related to parking tickets.
Your bond is your promise to comply with the terms of your release from custody. In traffic cases, bond can be U.S. currency, your driver’s license or by signing a written promise to comply with the terms of the Citation.
Your options include pleading not guilty and requesting a trial, pleading guilty and requesting court supervision by enrolling in traffic safety school, or pleading guilty and receiving a conviction. You must use iGuilty or mail a copy of your citation to the Circuit Clerk’s Office no matter which choice you make, otherwise a court date will automatically be set and your appearance will be required.
The bottom of your traffic citation indicates whether a court appearance is required.
A copy of your driving record can be obtained by contacting the Illinois Secretary of State and requesting your driving abstract.
The Circuit Clerk’s Office cannot advise you if your driving record or insurance rates are affected by specific traffic citations. Questions about your driving record or license validity must be directed to the Illinois Secretary of State at (800) 252-8980 or at www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
Will County Traffic Safety School is administered by the Will County Bar Association. Register through their website, www.willcountytrafficschool.com.
Yes, the WCBA offers an online traffic safety program.
Defendants under the age of 18 who are charged with moving violations may not receive a disposition of court supervision unless they personally appear in court with their parent or guardian. The parent or guardian must execute a written consent before the judge.
In order to ask the judge to change your court date you must file the appropriate motion with the Circuit Clerk’s office. That motion form can be found here. Our office cannot change your court date for you.
You can also find State-Approved Motion Forms and Instructions here.
The Secretary of State oversees the issuance, maintenance and suspension of driving privileges in Illinois. The Circuit Clerk’s Office is unable to advise you regarding this subject. The Illinois Secretary of State can be contacted by calling (800) 252-8980 or at www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
Criminal Forms
Traffic Forms
Traffic Citation Handout

Instructions on How to File a Plea, Pay a Fine and Register for Traffic School

Traffic Citation Handout