Community Service Information


As a condition of supervision the courts often impose a sentence to do community service. Offenders are ordered to participate in a form of reparation to the community by performing  work for NOT-FOR-PROFIT organizations.  Not-for-profit organizations benefit by having the opportunity to use the services of offenders ordered to perform community service.

Hundreds of not-for-profit organizations are located in Will County. These include : Churches, Forest Preserve, townships, villages, cities, police and fire departments, libraries, animal shelters, schools, hospitals, veterans organizations, food pantries, and nursing homes.

It is the offenders responsibility to both verify an organization is not-for-profit and make arrangements with a not-for-profit organization to complete their community service hours. 
1. Partial list of community service organizations. (English) (Spanish)
2. Other potential organizations by city

Not all these organizations may offer community service work. Please verify.

A not-for-profit organization is a type of organization that does not earn profits for its owners. All of the money earned by or donated to a not-for-profit organization is used in pursuing the organization's objectives. Typically not-for-profit organizations are charities or other types of public service organizations.