As of July 1, 2020, the Will County Bar Association provides the approved Traffic Safety Program for the Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court. Any citations received where supervision is requested must register and attend the Traffic Safety Program at the site listed below.

(815) 553-0910
Please note, traffic safety program attendance is mandatory as a condition of receiving court supervision by either mailing in a request for supervision or by pleading guilty and requesting supervision through iGuilty.
How much does the Traffic Safety Program cost?
The cost is $65.
How do I register and pay for the program?
Please click on the link above. You must pay the WCBA directly for the class. Do not pay the court for your traffic safety program attendance. Upon registering for the class you will receive a link and password that will allow you to attend the class at your convenience. You must attend the class within 160 days from the date of the violation, unless otherwise ordered by a judge.
Do I attend online or in-person?
The program is online. Please contact the WCBA for in-person class information.
What are the technology requirements for the online program?
Please contact the Will County Bar Association for further information.
Once I complete the class, what do I do?
Nothing – the WCBA will notify the court of your successful attendance and the court record will be updated to reflect your attendance.