Order of Protection (OP)

This case type includes the following:

  • Order of Protection
  • Civil No Contact Order
  • No Stalking Order

You can start the petition online by clicking on the picture below:


Online OOP 

While this site is instructive, you should contact your local police department or call 911 if you believe you need immediate assistance.

Order of Protection FAQs

An Order of Protection is a court order available to “family or household members” prohibiting the abuser from certain activities or ordering the abuser to take certain actions. An Order of Protection may include, but is not limited to:
  • Prohibit the abuser from harassing, abusing, stalking, intimidating, and/or interfering with the personal liberty of you and your dependents. 
  • Order the abuser to leave and stay away from your shared residence (even if the abuser is the property owner or sole individual listed on a lease). 
  • Order the abuser to stay away from your home, employer, school, your dependents’ school/daycare. 
  • Order the abuser to not contact you in any way, including phone, mail and through third-parties. 
  • Prohibit the abuser from taking or damaging your personal property or property you own with him/her. 
  • Go to Will County Courthouse located at 100 W. Jefferson St. Joliet, IL 60432 and proceed to the Order of Protection office, located on the 2nd Fl., Rm. 202.
  • Contact a nearby domestic violence agency such as Groundwork Domestic Violence Program (815) 729-1228 and ask for assistance.
  • Contact your local police agency social worker.
  • Ask your attorney to file a petition in civil court.
  • Request an order during the course of a divorce proceeding.
An Order of Protection can be filed against a family or household member who has committed acts of domestic violence against you or your minor child.

A family or household member includes: ƒ 

  • Spouse or Ex-spouse
  • Boyfriend/Girlfriend, former dating relationship
  •  A parent, step-parent, or grandparent
  •  A step-child or child of yours even if you are not married to the child’s mother or father
  •  Siblings, step-siblings
  •  A person related to you by blood or marriage

 Acts of domestic violence include:

  • Physical abuse  
  • Interfering with personal liberty  
  • Harassment  
  • Stalking  
  • Intimidation of a dependent  
  • Willful deprivation  
  • Exploitation
Please examine this flow chart to better understand the steps needed to fully process an Order of Protection Petition.
  • The Judge will set a hearing date instead of issuing an Emergency Order of Protection. The hearing will be held to determine whether an Order of Protection will be granted.
  • The respondent will receive notice of the hearing date and is given the opportunity to tell their side of the story at that time.
  • When you return to the courthouse on the date and time indicated, go to the courtroom indicated and check-in with the clerk.
  • If you (petitioner) do not appear, the Order will be dismissed. A dismissed order is longer effective. NOTE: make sure you appear, even if you intend to drop the Order of Protection. This is important for many reasons. The Judge wants to hear your reason for dropping the Order also; the Judge wants to ensure your safety.
  • You (petitioner) should bring witnesses and/or proof of the abuse, such as pictures.
  • At the hearing, you may ask the Judge to: 1. Extend the Order; 2. Change parts of it; or 3. Drop the Order.
  • You may bring an attorney, although one is not required. You may qualify for an attorney. Call Legal Aid: (815) 727-5123.
  • The Respondent may appear with or without an attorney. At this time the Respondent will tell his/her part of the story.
  • After hearing the statements of both parties, the Judge may end the proceedings or extend the Order of Protection for up to two years. NOTE: Be sure to return for every extension date the Judge sets, even if you want to drop the Order of Protection.
Call the Police IMMEDIATELY. If an Order of Protection is violated, the abuser may have committed a Class A Misdemeanor and may be arrested. A second or subsequent offense may be a Class 4 Felony.

You should call the police immediately.:

  • During an Emergency always call: 911
  • Groundwork Domestic Violence Program: (815) 729-1228
  • Family Counseling Agency of Will County: (815) 722-4384
  • Bridges to a New Day: (815) 838-2690 (Offers individual or family counseling for survivors of domestic violence)
  • Will County Legal Assistance: (815) 727-5123
  • Will County State’s Attorney Office: (815) 727-8453
  • Lamb’s Fold Women’s Shelter: (815) 723-5262
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE (7233)  or  (800) 787-3224 (TTY)
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-HOPE (4613)
  • The Judge will assign a return date and time for an Extension Hearing.
  • NOTE: Emergency Orders of Protection will last 14-21 days, in order to extend the Order of Protection; you must appear for the extension hearing scheduled by the Judge.  
  • A copy of the Order of Protection will be provided for you, DO NOT leave the courthouse without it! Make sure you review the order before you leave the courtroom. If there is an error or information missing, ask the clerk to make the correction before you leave. 
  • Keep the order of protection with you at all times. If needed, make a copy for your workplace, children’s school/ daycare, neighbor, etc.
There is a possibility that the Judge may deny the petition for the Order of Protection. The Judge may deny the emergency petition for the Order of Protection for many reasons. Your petition may be denied if you do not meet the burden of proof or because no "family or household member" relationship exists. The Judge may set a hearing date for the plenary petition of an Order of Protection. This does not mean you will not get an Order of Protection granted or that the petition has been denied, it simply means the Judge would like an opportunity to hear both sides of the story before making a decision on the matter.
Order of Protection Forms
State-Approved Order of Protection Forms

Access to State-Approved Order of Protection forms and informational materials can be found at the provided link below.

State-Approved Order of Protection Forms